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Formatter supports JSX markup. it uses preact by default.

Hot to use JSX

  1. install @tlgr/fmt module.
  2. install preact.
  3. modify tsconfig.json file (if neccesary)

In tsconfig.json file add next fields:

"compilerOptions": {
// rest options
"jsx": "react",
"jsxFactory": "h"


  1. decide which replying context you would like to use. This tutorial shows working with context.reply function.

  2. import Function

import { h } from "preact";
import { render, Bold } from "@tlgr/fmt/react";

// rest code
  1. use JSX for building reply text
import { h, Fragment } from "preact";
import { render, Bold, Break, Italic } from "@tlgr/fmt/react";

import { Telegraf } from "telegraf";

const bot = new Telegraf("<API TOKEN>");

bot.start((ctx) => {
<Bold>This is bold text</Bold>
<Break />
<Italic>This is italic text</Italic>


Better to wrap high-level component with Fragment component from preact library.

Limitations & Pitfalls

  • Not use built-in componenets like a, button etc. Since telegram has a lot of limitations.
  • Use components only for your reply context. For reply use components from react folder.
  • Each reply context should be call render function. As for previous limitation render function only for your using context.
  • render function in default function should be called with rest/spread operator, since reply function accepts text modifications(like bold, underline, etc.)
  • not all components can be combined with children(e.g. Bold and Italic can be combined)
  • do not crate component with many hierarchies. Better to use 1 hierary without depths.